Sunday, August 20, 2006


The ASU Objectivist Club (ASUOC) seek to pursue and promote Objectivism, the philosophy of Ayn Rand. The fundamentals of Objectivism are best summarized as:

Metaphysics: objective reality

Epistemology: reason

Ethics: rational egoism

Weekly ASUOC meetings provide a thought-stimulating environment for members to study and discuss Objectivism. ASUOC also provides members access to resources from our library of literature, videos, DVDs, and audio cassettes.

Article 1: Membership Club membership is open to all who are genuinely interested in the philosophy of Objectivism, Arizona State University students and non-students alike. One need not be an expert in Objectivism to join, so long as he/she attends meetings for the purpose of learning more about the philosophy. The executive committee of the club reserves the right to expel a member after a hearing.

Article 2: Executive Committee The executive committee shall consist of a president, a vice-president, and a treasurer. A secretary may be appointed if necessary.

Article 3: Duties of Executive Committee

President: To be responsible for the continuous operation of ASUOC. To disseminate notices of club events and meetings. To represent the club to other organizations. To contact the ARI when appropriate.

Vice-President: To perform the duties of the president in the president's absence. To perform specific tasks delegated by the president.

Treasurer: To keep the financial records of the club. To report on the financial position of the club when requested to do so by the president.

Secretary: To work with the president in planning events and activities.

All members of the executive committee will work for the success of ASUOC. The executive committee will meet privately at least twice a year to discuss the state of the organization.

Article 4: Selection of Officers The executive committee shall nominate a slate of officers for the following academic year (September-April) near the end of each academic year. All officers must be enrolled students at Arizona State University. Nominations will be submitted to the membership for approval, the membership being those who have attended at least half of the meetings held during the present year. If the slate is not approved, open nominations and elections for each position will be held during the meeting at which the selection of the officers is to take place. A by-election will be called by the remaining officers if any office should become vacant.

Article 5: Impeachment of Executive Officers A member of the executive committee may be removed from office if a two-thirds majority the membership so decide at a meeting called by the other executive officers for the purpose of making a decision on this matter. No members may be expelled from the club while impeachment proceedings are pending.

Article 6: Amendments Amendments to this constitution must be approved by a majority of the executive committee and then by two thirds of the membership. The president shall notify each club member of the proposed amendment at least one week prior to the meeting at which it will be considered. The ARI is to be contacted if doubts regarding the propriety of such amendments arise.

Article 7: Affiliations The Club is a recognized student organization at Arizona State University, but is not part of the University itself. In all correspondence and business transactions, the Club may refer to itself as an organization at ASU, but not as part of ASU itself. The Club accepts full financial and production responsibility for all activities it sponsors. The Club agrees to abide by all pertinent USC policies and regulations. Where USC policies and regulations and those of the Club differ, the policies and regulations of USC will take precedence. This organization recognizes and understands that the University assumes no legal liability for the actions of the organization, and that the University is not providing blanket indemnification insurance coverage for any activities of the organization, unless those activities expressly benefit and further the goals of the University, and have received prior review, approval, and consent of Campus Activities, Risk Management, and/or General Counsel.

Article 9: Faculty/ Staff Advisor
a) Advisor Requirements: As a recognized student organization at Arizona State University, the Club is required to have an official advisor from the ASU faculty or staff.
b) Duties of the Advisor:
i) The advisor must sign the recognition application each year, or whenever officer information changes or amendments are made to the constitution;
ii) Officers should meet with the advisor five times per semester; and
iii) the Advisor may not vote in Club matters, hold office or unduly influence decisions of the Club; however, the advisor may resign at his/ her sole discretion at any time, if he/ she believes that the Club has deviated from the goals stated in the first paragraph of this Constitution.